What is the course of study for research degrees and professional doctorates?

A candidate for the MPhil, PhD, MD or Professional Doctorate is required to complete the specified number of credits or coursework along with any other work as may be approved by the Campus Committee on the recommendation of the relevant Head of Department, and to pass the appropriate examinations before submitting the thesis:

(a) For students enrolled in an MPhil degree, a minimum of 6 credits should be taken through courses, and for students enrolled in a PhD programme, a minimum of 9 credits should be taken through courses.

(b) For students upgrading from MPhil to PhD, their MPhil courses will contribute to the course requirements for the PhD.

(c) Students entering either the MPhil or PhD degree already holding a Taught Master’s degree in a similar discipline may apply to the Campus Committee for exemption from the course requirements of the research degree.