I am a postgraduate student. I am doing a research paper/ thesis - How do I check for plagiarism?

The University allows you to check your papers for plagiarism using the Turnitin software.
To use the service you must first create a student account as follows:

  1. Contact the School for Graduate Studies and Research by email to turnitingrad@uwimona.edu.jm for credentials.
  2. Visit the Turnitin website at www.turnitin.com and click on create account,
  3. Under New Students Start Here in bullet item # 2 click on create a user profile
  4. Below Have You Ever Used Turnitin? scroll down until you see Create A New Account click on student. (Note the credentials will not work in any other instance).
  5. Under Create A New Student Account insert the credentials (i.e. class id and enrollment password), complete the rest of the form and follow the instructions.
You will be able to see your originality report (i.e. the system’s report on your submitted research paper/project/thesis/dissertation) by clicking on the 'show details' link in their portfolio after making a submission. You can re-submit your paper to this class container as many times as is necessary.